Mycro Keratin treatments have become the fastest growing hair repair and frizz free treatment in South Africa. There’s a reason for that! The Mycro Keratin hair treatment does not contain any harmful chemicals and yet it can last for up
Box dyes compared to Salon dyes – easy explanation
There’s a reason why more people prefer salon dyes compared to box dyes. People who tried box dyes may experienced loss of shine, dryness or a coarse texture over time. Here’s the main difference between box dyes compared to
What is Mycro Keratin?
Is Mycro Keratin a type of straightener? NO! Micro keratin is not a Permanent straightener or any type of straightener. Permanent straighteners are generally chemicals which change the bonds (Molecular structure) of the hair permanently. These chemicals work from the inside of the hair shaft (see below image). Although the hair may
keratin treatments VS Permanent straightener
PERMANENT STRAIGHTENER Advantage Will straighten out curls permanentlyReduces styling time by halfDis advantage Contains harmful chemicals which breaks down the bonds of the hair which also dry’s out the hair causing breakage.It does not remove frizz from hairRe-growth has to be done every 4-6
Salon re-launch geared for festive season
Salon re-launch geared for festive seasonOver the past 6 years, Hair at Mel's salon surfed the waves, both highs and lows in business all the while learning and gathering information about what their customers’ are looking for. It comes as no surprise
Shaving or waxing hair?
Waxing hairPros: 1. With waxing hair, the hair is removed from the root, thus prolonging growth, leaving skin smooth for weeks. 2. Continuous waxing hair makes the texture of the hair finer, and over a period of time, reduces hair growth 3. Waxing hair also removes dead skin
Hair loss causes
People who experience hair loss or balding hair usually seek help after a noticeable difference. This results in desperate attempts to use what ever products that claims to grow back hair. The results are often negative leading to insecurity, lack
FRIZZY HAIRFor most women, washing and setting their hair at home can be dreadful. It can take hours to straighten out frizzy hair but not to mention those painful shoulders and arms. So what causes hair to frizz up?
Hair Problems?
During the past year, Hair at Mels has helped hundreds of men and woman resolve their hair problems. Be it hair loss, damaged hair, oily or dry hair or providing a simple hair cut, color and style which transformed individuals.
Permanent hair straightening
The Truth about Permanent Hair StraighteningHere’s what happens to relaxed or permanently straightened hair. look at what your hair looks like under the microscope. (See image on left) The Cortex is responsible for wave or curl the hair has. The