Mels salon
Open 7 days & public holiday's
  • Working Days

    8am - 5pm

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    8am - 3pm

  • Sunday

    8:30am - 1pm

Mels Hair Salon

Shampoo shopping online

Did you know that salon professional hair products must be sold via a qualified person? If qualification matters, then why not trust a qualified hair stylist? There are more than a dozen combinations of products to consider for different hair and scalp problems.  So what makes you certain that you are choosing the correct products when buying online?     
1. Did you know that a qualified hair stylist must learn chemistry and not just learn to cut hair! 

2.  This qualification gives access to educators and sales reps as well as updates whenever there are changes made to salon products. 

3. Often scalp or hair treatments are required before purchasing the correct after care. How will you make the right choice without knowing which treatment is required?

4. Professional salon products are made with superior quality ingrediencies.  Stylist know when you’re ready to move away from certain products.

5.  Online reviews are great but do they experience the same hair or scalp problems as you?

If its your money down the drain, choose how you spend it wisely! 

Trust your hair stylist.  Support families, support your community.        


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